Photo Gallery
Christmas 2024 Lessons and Carols Service
Participants in the service created a meaningful service. The service is available on Youtube.

What a great group.
November 2024 Stewardship Dinner attendees. Excellent meal, wonderful church family stories and laughter.

November Work Day
The congregation came together on Friday November 1 to prepare the new chairs for use. There were new chair unstackers and unwrappers, hymnal rack removers from the old chairs, hymnal rack re-installers on the new chairs, and old chair stackers for removel to the basement.

Our workers showed up in droves. The total time to complete the entire project was less than 2 hours. Thank you everyone. We are blessed to have such a great congregation.

New curtains fashioned by our member Andrea Rahlf complets the updating of our sanctuary.
Rev. Dr. Judi McMillan and Rev. Dr. Ron Gilmer were united in Marriage on Saturday August 24, 2024. Several members of Holiday Island Presbyterian Church attended.

Baseball anyone? There were a few brave members to attend the game in temperatures in the HIGH 90’s.

Much is new at Holiday Island Presbyterian Church.
New Pastor (right), Ron Gilmer
and Newest Member (left), Aaron Hoyt.

Welcome to Pastor Ron Gilmer August 4, 2024
With our speciality “welcome cake” and our Pastor Nominating Committee.

Dennis Ritchie and Carol
After a year as our Interim paster, it is with graditude and love we say farewell to Dennis.

Congregational gathering
November 2023
Happy Birthday Jean Razer
Several Presbyterian and PEO friends treated Jean to a birthday party in Harrison.

The Eureka Springs Quilt Guild presented a quilt to veteran
Archie Ryan
Pictured with Archie, are Suzanne Ryan, and guild member Sue Stille.
The guild took part in the Quilts of Valor Foundation.
The Mission of the Quilts of Valor® Foundation is to cover Service Members and Veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor.
Brad Rito Installation as Pastor with wife Katie

Another of our mission projects
is to collect school supplies for a neighborhood school in need.

School Supplies