Events at Holiday Island Presbyterian Church

Events that are regularly sponsored by the Holiday Island Presbyterian Church throughout each month.

Prayer for World Peace: Almighty God, I pray for peace in our world, where there is often conflict and strife. Bring an end to violence and injustice. Inspire leaders to work towards the well-being of all people. May your love and compassion prevail, uniting nations in a common pursuit of peace. Let your kingdom of peace reign on earth as it is in heaven. In the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, I pray. Amen.

Jean Razer CELEBRATION OF LIFE will be Thursday, January 16th, at 10:30 a.m. More info to follow.

Jean has joined Clarence at the table of saints for an everlasting life.

December 2024

19:30 a.m.Worship Communion & Checks for Flint Street Food Bank
111:00 a.m.Advent Study
49:00 a.m.Men’s Bible Study 
59:15 a.m.Presbyterian Women Brunch and lesson
89:30 a.m.Worship
811:00 a.m.Advent Study
119:00 a.m.Men’s Bible Study
1210 a.m.-2 p.m. Bell Ringing at Sunfest for Flint Street Food Bank 
1310 a.m.-2 p.m. Bell Ringing at Sunfest for Flint Street Food Bank 
1410 a.m.-2 p.m. Bell Ringing at Sunfest for Flint Street Food Bank 
159:30 a.m.Worship
1511:00 a.m.Advent Study
189:00 a.m.Men’s Bible Study 
229:30 a.m.English style Worship service with carols & scripture
2211:00 a.m.Advent Study
244:00 p.m.Christmas Eve Service
25Christmas Day 
299:30 a.m.Worship
31New Years’ Eve 


January 2025

29:15 a.m.Presbyterian Women
59:30 a.m.Worship-Communion & Collection for Flint Street
89:00 a.m.Men’s Bible Study
99:00 a.m.Biscuits & the Bible
129:30 a.m.Worship
1211:00 a.m.Session Meeting
159:00 a.m.Men’s Bible Study
199:30 a.m.Worship
 11:00 a.m. New timePotluck and Annual Meeting
229:00 a.m.Men’s Bible Study
269:30 a.m.Worship
299:00 a.m.Men’s Bible Study

Regular Group Meetings

  • Choir practice every Wednesday at 6:30 Temporarily cancelled due to illness
  • Biscuits and Bibles 2nd Thursday 9:00 am
  • Men’s Bible Study every Wednesday at 9:00 AM in the Church
  • Presbyterian Women meet on the first Thursday of the month at the Church starting at 9:15 AM.
  • Game Night is the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM (Bring a Snack)
  • Pot Luck Dinners 3rd Sunday – Razer Hall